2011 was a fun, gut-wrenching, soul inspiring, "no laziness allowed" kind of year. There were parts that I absolutely hated and parts that inspired me to dream bigger and love better. Here are some highlights of this past year:
In July we got this sweet little baby, Lucy. She's 60 pounds, so "little" is not quite accurate. She and Bailey the cat are not quite buds yet, but we're declaring that 2012 will be a year of reconciliation between our animals. And maybe a year of weight loss for Bailey.
So all in all, things turned out more positive than negative. There were some really tough moments, none of which are really mentioned here. But trust me, they were ever present. And I'm still not over or through any of them unfortunately. And I sometimes wish that I could be gut-level honest with myself and my life in a space like this, but I would hurt 2938472358203481 people's feelings and probably have no friends by the end of the post. And since I'm an extrovert, no friends would be terrible. So maybe one day I'll come clean with what this year has been like, and pray that no one gets mad at me. Which is probably impossible but maybe we'll make it there eventually.
Cheers to 2012 - I CANNOT WAIT FOR YOU. Come quickly and do not delay. And bring with you great community, cocktails, a fire pit, 24/7 worship, and some new books. But let me keep my pets of 2011. Thanks.
Went skiing in Colorado and we had our first accident in 20 years. Patrick got a ski pole to the eye and had to get his eyelid stitched in the Vail ER. Luckily it was close to the end of the trip? And his eye socket wasn't broken?
In March we went to the Middle East with a team from Bethel Atlanta. This is some of us in the town of Biblos (where we get the name "Bible"). Amazing experience where I learned a lot about "practicing God's presence." They were in a 7-day storm when we were there, and it also snowed. We had to borrow winter clothes from some of our buds over there because who would have expected snow when you are on the Mediterranean Ocean?
In April I went to Haiti with The 410 Bridge. We worked in a town called Chadirac, and had the opportunity to work on one of the Land of a Thousand Hills Haitian coffee plantations. This was one of the harder trips I've ever been on, and still I am unsure as to why. I came home and practically collapsed and cried for hours. I don't know why I cried or why it was hard. it. just. was. And I don't know if my heart will ever be ready to go back.
In May I turned 26 and celebrated with some of my best friends at La Parrilla. Patrick was out of town for work, which I had a TERRIBLE attitude about, but I'm thankful for great friends that made it so special. Who doesn't love margaritas, chips and salsa, sombreros and a group of your best buds?
In June we bought our first house in Marietta, GA, so back to our old stomping ground! We're in a different part of town than where we grew up, but it's still Marietta. Excited to raise our family here in our beautiful neighborhood surrounded by so many great parks and restaurants. And internationals.
Sometime during the summer I got an iPhone and it's probably one of the best things EVER. I have not regretted this purchase for one second. Instagram, Diptic, and Lightbox are my favorite apps thus far. And Words with Friends. And Shazam. And Scoutmob. And Red Laser. And Facebook.
At the end of July/beginning of August we went to Charleston to the beach with my dad's side of the family. It's our annual tradition and one of my favorite things to do.
In September Patrick and I went to Southern California. He had a work meeting, so we made it a long weekend. We went to our first Azerbaijan restaurant in San Diego, and it is probably our favorite meal to date. Now if only The Weather Channel would re-locate us to California...
In October I started a new job with Pardot, a marketing automation company (if you are unsure what marketing automation is, I'm still probably not the one to ask). The learning curve is pretty steep, but I really enjoy the people I work with and all the perks the job offers. Who wouldn't love unlimited vacay?
We had our Korean neighbors over in October for dinner, and surprised them with a lesson in pumpkin carving. They're only here for 2 years, so we're trying to help them maximize their time in America! We tutor the 8th grader, HaRim, who is standing next to his dad. He's a gem. And these were the jack-o-lanterns that we put candles in and set up on their porch. All original designs.
In October I had my first Happy Hour at work. And yes, we also have a beer fridge. Secular jobs are not all that bad!
We had lots of family pass through Atlanta, which meant lots of meals at Fellini's with my dad, Jill, and Libby Gray. This is my cousin Baird on the left, in town from Charleston. Lucky for him he also got to visit Sweetwater Brewery.
I read The Hunger Games series, and started the Harry Potter series. Yes, I realize I'm a little late on the Harry Potter train, but at least I made it.
This might not interest anyone but me, but in November WE GOT A DINING ROOM TABLE! It's beautiful. And one of our best purchases to date. We also were blessed and got to have our families over to OUR house for Thanksgiving, so it was the perfect reason to break in this baby.
I got re-tweeted by the Bert Show TWICE. Probably the highlight of my year. Naturally.
At the beginning of December we took a trip to Asheville and Charlotte to visit friends and family. This was taken at my aunt Marilee's art show. I love getting to catch up with family.
We went to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra at Phillips Arena and had KILLER seats.
Sometime in early December I had a "come to Jesus" with Abby about my attitude. It took a few hours, some lunges, Starbucks, and 2 hours of track-walking. But I hope I'm better for it. Someone who loves me can tell me if it worked.
This is Libby Gray at her Christmas pageant. She's not even my child but I had to fight back tears when I watched her walk on stage. She knew all the songs and motions, and was obviously the star of the show. Isn't she so beautiful? She's actually spending the night with us tonight, and we've been planning activities ALL week for her.
Our Pardot Christmas party was held at the Aquarium. This is me with two of the greatest girls I know, Susan and Ginny.
So all in all, things turned out more positive than negative. There were some really tough moments, none of which are really mentioned here. But trust me, they were ever present. And I'm still not over or through any of them unfortunately. And I sometimes wish that I could be gut-level honest with myself and my life in a space like this, but I would hurt 2938472358203481 people's feelings and probably have no friends by the end of the post. And since I'm an extrovert, no friends would be terrible. So maybe one day I'll come clean with what this year has been like, and pray that no one gets mad at me. Which is probably impossible but maybe we'll make it there eventually.
Cheers to 2012 - I CANNOT WAIT FOR YOU. Come quickly and do not delay. And bring with you great community, cocktails, a fire pit, 24/7 worship, and some new books. But let me keep my pets of 2011. Thanks.