I'm pretty sensitive about birthdays. In high school birthdays were fine because May 26 usually happened while school was still in session. But then I got to college and would spend hours and days celebrating friends, then classes would end, everyone would leave, and I'd have my birthday all alone. It's hard to feel important and valued when none of your friends want to celebrate you in the same way you celebrated them. I'd still get a call, but none of them would send cards or gifts, or even come out with me for dinner.
But this year was the first year that people actually said "What do YOU want to do?" and insisted on creating an evite for a gathering. I've always done that stuff myself because I've never had someone want to do it for me, so it made me feel HUGELY special. People say that birthdays aren't a big deal, but I think everyone wants to still feel loved and celebrated at the end of the day. And I certainly felt celebrated last night.
It wasn't a huge group, but it was a fun group that really made every effort to make me feel important. And I admit I was really upset going into it because Patrick was traveling and supposed to be home mid-afternoon (which I was already frustrated with), then his flight got delayed, then because of the weather in Atlanta they had to land in Augusta and re-fuel. So I went to and celebrated my birthday without the most important person by my side. (I was secretly glad that everyone on Facebook tells you happy birthday because I was very sad for a majority of the day...but every few minutes I'd get another wall posting or another message from a friend I haven't spoken to in awhile, and it just really helped me enjoy my day so much more).
So in the end it was a really light-hearted and fun night. Mexican at La Parrilla then drinks and dessert at my apartment afterwards. I got some really sweet and special gifts, and love that my friends know me so well. So thank you everyone for making my birthday wonderful!
Looking forward to celebrating all of you in return!
Love love.