
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Friends, Furniture and Marcy

My heart is so full these days. I'm about to tell Marcy the counselor that I'm on the up and up, but each week we meet we dive further into my heart and my relationships, which leaves me longing to move into her bedroom and sleep beside her bed. Yeah, she's that good. And I love that she's real, and not calculated. I don't feel that she's overcome with strategies for me, I just feel like we're in a relationship. Where I can continually give feedback, ask questions, yell profanities, or bake her cookies. And it's that kind of relationship that is life changing. So I might stick close to her for a few more months, and just let her love on me and tell me I'm okay. Because really that's all I want to hear sometimes. 

Last weekend I snapped a few pictures of Melanie, Jessica and I at Evie's wedding, our dearest roommate from college. Moon Unit, Diva Muffin, Lil Pixie, and BOP were all present and accounted for, and happily bid Evie farewell down the road to marriage. And no wedding/roommate/brothel celebration would be complete without spending the night together, and having a great breakfast in the morning. I love when I know that friends love me for me, and would know in a heartbeat if I pretended to be any different. If we were drinking together, I would toast to them. But my toast would last 6 hours and everyone else would leave. And then we'd probably have a quick lesson in how to keep kids off the street. 

And then there's this one. My beloved husband. Who is always hilarious when he tries not to be, and hardly funny when he works at it. This earned me 1923719364 likes on instagram. And by 9182734192873 I mean 25. But those were a proud 25 I'm sure. 

Patrick's brother Bryan receiving his awards and diploma from flight school graduation.

My feeble attempt at art journaling. That looked so much better on the blog picture I was copying. :)

We had an amazing small group this week with our dear friend Marty Barrett. WHO IS NUTS. But so wonderful and funny and odd at the same time. He is the one who bathed Patrick and I in the Holy Spirit before we got married, and we both started speaking in tongues at one of his worship services. He truly is a spiritual father to us, and one we will always treasure. 

This past weekend we did more things than I can count. One of which was having these 4 over for dinner. We stayed up later than I've stayed up in years, and we even had the honor of Daniel and Liz SLEEP OVER. Which meant we stayed up later, had a big breakfast together, watched every youtube video we could imagine, and I gave a quick rendition of one of my high school step routines. It was pretty spectacular. 

Soooo I've never re-done a piece of furniture. Ever. And when someone said to buy cheesecloth or wax for my project, I had to google that. 

So here is our newest Craig's List treasure (that my dad is convinced will turn into some form of fire kindling if I don't better develop my refurbishing skills before unleashing on this beauty). My goal is to paint it black and distress it a bit. But I attempted to use a paint stripper earlier today, and burned big pieces of my skin because its so corrosive. THANKS FOR NOTHING WARNING LABEL! JK. The warning label was clear. And I covered my eyes, nose, mouth, and hands - but not my legs, bare feet, or arms. Rats. So we'll see how this goes. Or I'll invite you over for s'mores. 

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