I have a tendency to go where people are because I don't want to miss anything thats happening. I keep up with friend's blogs and facebook. I research news articles and websites. I am always filling my mind with lots of things to feel like I'm not missing out, but in the end...I end up missing out on me and my life. There are things in me that need attention.
I try so hard to be a part of everyone else's community that I feel like I've lost my own. I need a retreat. A respite from work and people and tv and computers and cell phones. I need to re-discover my soul. Re-discover what I love and want to dedicate my time to. I don't want my time to be wasted on meaningless things. I want my life to be significant and bent on one vision...bringing the Kingdom to earth. that's all that matters. the Kingdom. And what God's doing and where He's going. I want to be part of that community