The past few weeks have been filled with visiting friends, a trip to Colorado, the gender reveal of our sweet baby, and the terrible 'Snowpocalypse' of Atlanta. All have been grand adventures that left us feeling full and loved on from coast to coast.
And Lucy is particularly excited about her little sister.
The ONLY nursery planning I've done - decided on prints for the wall. And for some reason this is way more fun and interesting to me than registering for a mound of supplies that I've never heard of. So I'll continue to decorate with the help of Cam and Katie, who have selflessly devoted time on Pinterest on my behalf (while I lament the difficulty of putting on socks and keeping a slim figure). Bless them.
This was an event hosted by a lovely co-worker on the impact technology was having on her life. She devoted months to being more intentional offline, and put this fabulous event together to showcase her work.
Baby West on the left, surely being bright-eyed as usual.
full of lattes, family, friends, snow, hot tubs, and massages
Last night, after 5+ hours in the car, one minor accident, LOTS of Facebooking, over-flowing tears, and only increasing traffic and ice, I made the brave decision to go to Susan's house. Susan lives 1/4 of a mile from my office if that is any indication of how far I made it in said 5+ hours. #epicfail Susan was SO gracious to open up her home to me, and she made me a wonderful dinner and let me rant to the moon and back about my afternoon. Poor Susan always catches me after these traumatic vehicular episodes. I owe her...BIG.
To spend the night, both Liz and I ended up at our friend's Jonathan and Abbey's and it was actually really fun. They cooked us a grand breakfast, made lots of coffee, supplied us with anything from socks and toothbrushes to sweatshirts and deodorant. We listened to music, watched the news, caught up on life events, and compared afternoon horror stories. You guys, we have the best friends. Seriously.
And I would say that adult sleepovers don't happen often enough, but I'm pretty sure the last one I had was on Sunday. Sooooo scratch that. ;)